Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson

OK – I can’t resist this. This has been in the media for a couple of weeks now. Jocko is all over the place. I will add that I have not really been a fan or am a fan. I am the product of the 80’s hair bands so Michael Jackson has really never appealed to me. But there is one thing that really rubbed my yesterday (the day of his memorial service).

On the local Christian radio station, the afternoon host took the opportunity to share his feelings about Michael Jackson negative side of his life. Now I did not necessarily disagree with the radio person, I just thought it was inappropriate and the timing was done horrible! This host even wanted his listeners to debate a youtube posing by a certain congressman. His question was whether or not this congressman was wrong or right or that his timing was on or off. After listening for about a half hour and then the radio host introducing the next segment of debate of this congressman – I turn the radio station. I thought the whole conversation was not appropriate for the day and was a 100% poor witness to somebody is a fan who happened to be surfing the radio and came across this conversation.

Here is the deal. If the radio host would have said, “there is so much surrounding the life and death of Michael Jackson that I do want to discuss. But for today, we are going talk about other issues and pick this conversation up tomorrow. We are doing this out of respect of the Jackson family on this day that they are laying their father, son, and brother to rest.” Then this radio host would have earned my respect and I would have tuned in and listened to the conversation. But instead he chose to discuss and debate the controversial issues surrounding Michael Jackson on the day that the Jackson family was burring him, has left me to lose respect for this leader in the Detroit Christian community. Now I do not know if he pressed the issue even more after I tuned out or not. I just thought that this was not good timing.

I am also not naive to think that he was the only radio or TV personality talking and debating the negative aspects of Michael Jackson on the day of his burial. I just think it was inappropriate for the day. I reinforce the fact that I am really not a fan – never have been and probably never will be. But I am respectful to families that are mourning a loss of some sort.

Bottom line and I will not talk about this anymore and this applicable to all of us. No matter how talented Michael Jackson was and how much good he did for the world or how much sin he needed forgiveness for – if Michael Jackson did repent and bow his heart and life to the leadership or Lordship of Jesus Christ, then he is not eternally separated from God the Father and Jesus Christ. But if he did not do these things while here on this earth, sorry to say this, but he is eternally separated from the Creator of the Universe. That’s the bottom line not only for Michael Jackson, but also for each of us to. Where are you spending eternity?

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