Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Your Fired!

Well, it really did not go down like that. I was let go not based on my performance. As I reflected in the weeks and months that followed my letting go, I was a part of a miracle of the Lord! Too bad the other leaders did not see the Lord working. I was let go based on the budget. I am starting to here that this is starting to be common place among the North American church. Poor spending and getting in way over our heads in dept all in order to have a building with all the toys in it. Why, because we needed to be culturally relevant! Yes, I was let go so that the church can make a mortgage payment. Bricks and mortar were chosen over people. It was a typical scenario that we are seeing – church becoming more like a business than the body of Christ!

Am I spoutin’ – why yes I am! But as the last several months unfolded in my life, I saw that getting fired was one of the best things that have happened to me in my ministry career. People told me this during the storm but I did not see it! Through this experience the Lord has taught me what HE desires from my leadership and ministry. That is to be shepherd. To place a high value on people. To enjoy the journey and not get so focused on the mission or vision that relationships take a back seat.

What about this church? I do not know. I am still in contact with people there but refuse to know or discuss the ministry there. I have forgiven, and have handed that ministry to Christ. If He chooses to bless then it will be blessed. If not, well then it will suffer the fate that many churches in North America are experiencing right now.

I am thankful for the time spent there. It was a place that the Lord used to sharpen my leadership skills and cemented in my life and ministry various Spiritual Gifts and abilities. Through this experience I have also learned the true meaning of the church and forgiveness…

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