Tuesday, January 8, 2008

True forgiveness

We have all had people in our life that has beat us down, placed unrealistic expectations on us, and have sinned against us. But what do we do with that? It has been a hard journey for me but I have learned the true meaning of forgiveness. Sure I can say that I forgive people and still harbor resentment, bitterness, anger, and even rage. The true measure of forgiveness is found in what Christ did for us and remembering what we were forgiven from. I can look at my life and say that I was really forgiven much and I am truly grateful for that. The secret in true forgiveness is remembering what we were forgiven from and what Christ did for us and then project that to others who have sinned against us. I have learned when I do this simple thing; anger is dislodged from my heart, bitterness is subsided, resentment retreats, and resentment melts away. In a way I will always remember what others have done to me, but then I remember what Christ did for me. I can tell you from experience that thinking this way and remembering my salvation is freeing and I am starting to see the effects of this freedom is the relationships that are closest to me. I am truly thankful for forgiveness.

Ephesians 4: 32 “And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.”

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