Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Last week I had the opportunity to go to a Detroit Tigers baseball game. This was me second game since they opened their new stadium a while back. The last game I went to, there was only about 3000 people in attendance. Needless to say, the Tigers were not doing so well. Last week, there were over 40,000 people at the game. As I watched people (one of my favorite things to do), a though came crashing down on me – Jesus came for all these people, every last one of them. How many know this? How many do not? How many have had bad experiences with churches trying to “convert” them? It was pretty overwhelming to me. Then I asked myself, what is God calling me to do and become? How is he going to use little me? How can I be a representative of God without being over zealous and annoying to people who are far away form God?

As I pondered these questions I kept watching people. My heart enlargened and a deeper burden was developed as people who were in my line of sight were entering into a Christless eternity. Then my thoughts switched to the church. We get so wrapped up with internal affairs, we bicker, complain, and show anything by love and respect to others that we give these same people the best excuse not to join us on the most exciting journey in all of eternity – being a Christ Follower!

Am I still a work in progress – absolutely! My prayer is that I will be a vessel to share the same Love of God that has been shown to me. So, the next time you are in a crowd; whether it be at a sporting event, concert, mall, or even traffic remember and be encouraged;

“The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” – Jesus in Matthew 10: 37-38

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